ENDUROSNACK enerģijas želeja paredzēta nemitīgai un ilgstošai jaudas apgādei. Satur īpaša veida ogļhidrātus - izomaltulozi (PalatinozeTM). Lieliski noderēs, lai iegūtu koncentrētu enerģijas lādiņu intensīvu fizisko slodžu laikā. Satur L-karnozīnu, L-alanīnu, BCAA, taurīnu un glicīnu.
The main energy part is formed by a special carbohydrate isomaltulose (PalatinoseTM) which is gradually absorbed and delivers high amount of quality energy. The gel is enriched with L-carnosine which improves endurance performance and power, BCAA in 2: 1: 1 ratio, taurine, glycine and L-alanine.
ENDUROSNACK Intended for: continuous energy supply during the long-term performance. It is also suitable as energy supply before the activity.
„Without a huge dose of energy you can´t go further. Thanks to the energy gel ENDUROSNACK, I am prepared for training and competition during which I need to supply the body with the necessary dose of energy to prevent a decline of my performance. “
Apelsīns + Kokos (jauna garša)
Kazene (jauna garša)
Pi?a Colada (jauna garša)
Zaļais Ābols
Intended for special nutrition. Suitable for sportsmen. It does not contain susbstances of doping character. It is not intended for children under the age of 15! Keep out of reach of children! Store in a dry place, at the temperature below 25 °C and out of reach of direct sun radiation. Protect from freeze. Producer is not liable for any damages caused by improper usage or storage.