Sportiski All Mountain tipa zābaki ar augstu komforta līmeni- pēdas daļas platumu 102mm platākajā daļā. Pateicoties Easy Step In tehnoloģijai ārējā zābakā, zābaku uzvilkšana un novilkšana par spīti 130 Flex indeksam, nebūs problēma.
Vidēji cieti (flex indekss 80), sieviešu kalnu slēpošanas zābaki ar 100mm platumu pēdas daļā. Iekšzābaks: DUAL 3D LINER SPORT, THINSULATE, ar 35mm savikšanas strapu.
Luxurious Fit, Light Weight, Legendary performance. The all-new LX 130 expands our "Choose Your Fit" concept to 102mm, ensuring skiers with wider feet no longer sacrifice comfort for real-deal performance.
The easy flexing boot for junior all-mountain skiers, the RSJ 60 offers the perfect blend of comfort and performance for skiers ages 10 and under. The junior mono-injection shell, Control Fit liner, and four-buckle design address the junior fit for smaller calves and foot shapes to deliver enhanced junior specific comfort, warmth and performance.
he perfect balance of performance and comfort. Designed to deliver the power and precision demanded by the most committed all-mountain skiers, the new RX 130 offers a racing pedigree with a more inclusive high-performance fit.
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